To Kiss or Not To Kiss. A cure for Gum Disease
This book on periodontitis is the fruit of the experience of one man, research scientist and dentist, on a quest to discover the bacteria and parasites that colonize the mouth. Mark Bonner blames the painful ignorance of people suffering from this insidious infection. Using a revolutionary and scientifically-sound method described passionately, he demonstrates that smiles and solid teeth can be brought back. It’s essential for modern dental surgeons to become « mouth doctors » once again given that tooth loss is not a fatality. This book targets the general public, its well-being depends on it, and all dental therapists who want to heal their patients. It provokes thinking and wins people over with its infectious good spirits and need to convince. This book is straightforward, witty, delectable and spontaneous, and can be read by all with great enthusiasm.
A brochure of 8 pages, in color.
« Curing Periodontitis » is a brochure that provides a concise explanation of the nature of periodontal disease in order to educate patients about the treatments available to them. Package of 100.
by Trevor Lyons
Trevor Lyons‘ treatment is an exciting adventure that involves the dentist-hygienist-patient in a true team effort that allows the patient to keep their teeth for a lifetime.
« Periodontal disease, a prevalent disease in man, has occupied the attention of dental and medical researchers with growing frustration. Although both local oral factors (open contacts, crowding, rough restorations etc.) and systemic factors (zinc, vitamin C, diabetes etc.) have been implicated in the periodontal disease process, the overall success in periodontal therapy has often been disappointing. Today, the predominant treatment modality is still oral tissue circumcision. The initial results appear favourable; however, the disappointment of relapse is usually inevitable. Today, the dental profession admonishes the patient for not cleaning his mouth thoroughly, not flossing enough, and not brushing effectively. We have become experts at placing blame for failure solely on the shoulders of the patient, while claiming the responsibility for success for ourselves… »